What is ancestral lineage healing?
Each of us has ancestral elders who recognize:
We are of the earth
Living humans are only one kind of person
Mountains, oaks, rivers, stones, prairie-dogs, magpies, moss, dandelions and elk are also people.
Spirits, elementals, the human dead and deities are other kinds of people.
The web of relations is vast.
We belong to that web of relations.
All humans descend from cultures once rooted in the earth. Some of us are still woven into or rooted in earth-based cultures. Many of us have been separated for dozens upon dozens of generations.
Imagine, for a moment, you are born into such a culture and your unique gifts are recognized. You are steered by elders towards actualizing yourself so that you might fully contribute to the well-being of all you are related to. Imagine you are initiated with rites of passage, marking sacred transitions from one state of being to another: birth, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, elderhood and death. Death is recognized as a transition from one state of being to another and a continuation of relationship with the living. Imagine the living enact ritual, ceremony and sacred grieving to ensure that when you die you properly join the ancestors. You aren’t left roaming, isolated, confused or untethered in spirit. They insure this out of love for the divine, for you and for your descendants.
Imagine that circumstances— war, colonization, religious persecution, famine, poverty-induced migration — cause you and your people to repress your knowing in order to survive. Your earth-based cultural ways are lost, forgotten or perhaps buried for safe keeping until the right conditions exist to reawaken them.
Now imagine you are the descendent of such people. Imagine the time has come to unearth your cultural knowing of the sacredness of all things. Your ancestral elders in spirit are available to guide you. To repair the ruptures in the lineage that led to forgetting and loss, warping blessings into burdens. Burdens that got heavier as each generation carried them into deeper amnesia and the spirits not initiated upon dying found misguided ways — addiction, pathological dominance, abuse, debilitating despair — of being known to the living. Imagine it is this very amnesia that is an existential threat to our lives on this planet.
Your ancestral guides who are vibrant in spirit help you remember and claim the gifts of your bloodlines, transforming burdens into blessings. They long for you to shine as the face of the lineage. They want you to fulfill your sacred covenants.
This is ancestral healing.
What are sessions like?
We work on zoom or in person. The work is equally effective remotely as it is in person. I support ritual safety. With my support you enter into a quiet, receptive state in which you are open to the wisdom and guidance of your ancient and loving elders in spirit. In partnership with them we engage a process of healing the lineage so that all who have passed may be received as bright and vibrant ancestors. The lineage as it lives in you also becomes bright and vibrant allowing you to embody a fuller, more joyous knowing of who you are.